Adress: Kyzylorda city, 120014, Tokmagambetova st., 24
Tel.: +7(7242) 272 010
Tel.: +7(7242) 272 021
Fax: +7(7242) 272 200
E-mail: kuat_kz@mail.ru
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About company
"KUAT" LLP was launched as economic player in April 1992. The production activity of company started in 1995 and since then we are working constantly on Kazakhstan market on manufacturing of polymer pipes: PLP (polyethylene of low pressure of high consistency) and PVC (polyvinylchloride). Such pipes are using for confined cool water supply and in sewerage system, and also for manufacturing and production of raw materials by underground alkalization method (in particular uranium and etc.).
On February 2008 we started to produce PLP pipes of 63-400 mm diameter for natural gas transportation. For these purposes we used Germany equipment with appropriate technology. Current output was undergoing all types of tests and State Certificate of Quality was received.
Our company has its own production plant of 14 000 M2 total area where 2 production departments, cellarage for raw materials and finished commodity, crane-runway ground, turnery and metal workshops, artesian well are situated. Also it is available our own customs warehouse - MVH "KUAT".
At present "KUAT" LLP manufacture its products with the help of 7 LINES making PLP pipes of 25-400 mm diameter, PVC pipes of 90-190 mm diameter, and has a big experience in dealing with domestic as well as foreign commodity producers.
The factory has a possibility to process approximately 2000 t of raw materials per year. For manufacturing products it is using high-quality European (PE-100) and Russian (PE-80) PND; equipment with the help of which pipes are made is produced by "Kuzpolimermash" public corporation, Russia and «Next Neuenburger Extrusionstechnik GmbH», Germany.
At present according ST RK ISO 9001 requirements the management system of quality (MSQ) was developed and implemented to the enterprise. And on May 2004 Certificate of Conformity of management system of quality # KK.657092.07.03.00115 from 06.05.2004 was received.
There are licenses and certificates confirmed to State Standard and Specification of Republic of Kazakhstan for all our goods. According to summary of 2007 company was appreciateB as "The best participant of VAD within the Kyzylorda oblast" by Customs Control Department.
"KUAT" LLP take part in tenders conducted by NAK "KazAtomProm" close corporation and according to tender's terms annually supply its products to different building companies in accordance with requests. The significant thing is that our company manufactures pipes of small diameters (from 25 to 63 mm) which are used by population of Kyzylorda and oblast in individual building during construction of water supply and sewer mains. Also our company is included in list of Kyzylorda oblast enterprises which are working on "Taza su" program.
During the whole period of dealing with customers no objections concerning the quality and products delivery times were appear. Our company is possessed of all necessary conditions for performing treaty commitments with high quality and in proper time.

Certificate of Conformity of management system of quality # KK.657092.07.03.00115 from 06.05.2004
Key words: Pipe, Kuat